

The 琼·安·科恩图书馆 and the Frederick Learning Commons feature more than 26,000本书, 还有期刊, 杂志, dvd, 视频和广泛的电子书收藏. It provides students in grades 6-12 with a well-开发ed collection of resources designed to suit their curricular needs as well as leisure reading and activities. 图书馆的网上资源包括:
  • 4 full-text databases with newspaper and magazine articles
  • 3 online encyclopedias and an online dictionary
  • 2 full-text journal databases for AP students and 教师
  • 2在线历史数据库
  • 2个在线科学数据库
  • 文学批评全文数据库
  • 一个读者咨询项目
  • a comprehensive bibliography composer with fully integrated note taking
The program of the 琼·安·科恩图书馆 is twofold: a strong emphasis on formal research skills and the support of reading and the love of books and literature. Library research skills are taught in academic classes and are integrated into the subject content. The library staff works with 教师 in 开发ing the formal research papers required of students in grades 6-12, 还有很多其他的研究任务. 从六年级开始, there is a planned sequence of assignments that introduce, 然后加强, 21世纪的学生所需要的. A strong collection of young adult and classic literature is accompanied by a large collection of literary criticism.

除了, the 琼·安·科恩图书馆 provides a leadership opportunity for 上师 students in grades 10-12. Students may apply to become student library proctors (SLPs) as early as their rising sophomore year. SLPs run the circulation desk, checking books in and out to other patrons. 他们也把书放在书架上, 维护图书馆秩序, and 执行 special projects for the library staff as needed. Rising juniors or seniors who are former SLPs may apply to become the head student library proctor. The head SLP is considered to be on the same responsibility level as the head guide and the head prefect.

假期和考试前夕. - 7:30 to 3:30


  • 谢丽尔·麦克莱恩的照片

    谢丽尔 麦克莱恩 

    琼·安·科恩图书馆 Director, Library Department Chair
  • 克里斯蒂娜·坎贝尔摄

    克里斯蒂娜 (阿库里) 坎贝尔 

    毕业年份: 2002
  • 艾莉森·弗莱彻的照片

    阿廖沙 弗莱彻 

    Library Assistant, Middle and 上师
  • 考特尼 沃克的照片

    考特尼 沃克 

成立于1960年, 棋牌游戏平台是独立的, 圣公会, college-preparatory day school located in Tampa, FL, for boys and girls in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12. Approximately 1,400 students gather here from the greater Tampa Bay area to form ONE Berkeley.