


棋牌游戏平台拥有大约300名教职员工,他们热衷于让学生成为终身学习者. 学校以招聘充满活力和同情心的专业人士而自豪,这些专业人士在他们的领域中是最优秀的. And those professionals are genuinely invested in the success of each student. 
Our 教师 and staff are passionate about surrounding Berkeley students with opportunities. They emb比赛 the natural curiosity that young children bring to school and build upon it. They show students the possibilities in their lives, pay attention to what grabs their interests, and encourage them to pursue those interests to the fullest. As a result,y help children climb heights they never thought they could reach. 
在棋牌游戏平台工作的一个重要好处是可以获得令人难以置信的资源和专业发展机会. 除了, 棋牌游戏平台认为,优秀的教育是对抗世界不公的最佳对策. 我们在棋牌游戏平台提供的教育培养信心,培养批判性思维技能,使学生成长并最终实现他们的最大潜力,y are fully prepared to comment on and take action against injustices as they see them. 点击这里了解更多.
Our postings are updated regularly, 然而, if you don't see a specific job posting but feel you would be a great addition to our team, 请联系 careers@yhdw.net (电子邮件为佳). Please note that employment is subject to information verification, and a background check.


  • 联系

    Inquiries regarding all employment opportunities may be directed to careers@yhdw.net. Email is the preferred contact method. 和简历一起, please include a cover letter specifically stating any positions for which you are qualified. Please note that employment is subject to information verification, and a background check. Berkeley is an equal opportunity employer.
  • Professional Development and Personal Enrichment

    持续的专业发展机会对于为学生提供21世纪的教育至关重要. 棋牌游戏平台的老师们从不停止学习——让我们来看看我们是如何自豪地支持这种成长的.
    • 整个学年的某些非教学日被指定用于与校园同事进行专业发展. 
    • Our teachers not only attend but conduct seminars all over the country. 
    • Many teachers see their work placed in national publications, and even more receive outside grants for further study. 
    • 你在其他学校很少发现的另一个福利是,我们鼓励教师申请棋牌游戏平台的两个基金,这些基金只支持他们的想象力. 
      1. Jenkins Fund for Teaching Excellence:在去纽约的旅途中看两部最新的百老汇音乐剧会提高你的戏剧课程吗, 还是一趟身临其境的秘鲁之旅,作为一名西班牙语教师,加深你对文化和语言的了解? 你会去哪里?? 鼓励教师申请资金,为个人量身定制的体验式学习机会,自我设计,以激励和激励.
      2. 库恩正差分基金你有没有想过在肯尼亚的一个小村庄教书,或者在加拉帕戈斯群岛与一个巨型乌龟保护队一起工作? 你会如何回报? 我们鼓励所有员工申请国内和国际旅行的资金,这样他们就可以以强有力的方式帮助他人,并树立我们一直灌输给学生的坚强性格和同情心.
  • 设施及资源

    我们86英亩的校园位于坦帕郊区,提供一流的教育和体育资源, age-appropriate areas for the Lower, 中高级组别. 学校已经启动了一项校园总体规划,指导校园的增强和改进,这将使整个棋牌游戏平台社区受益. 除了 to state-of-the-art facilities, 丰富的资源使教师能够最大限度地为他们的课堂开发课程.
  • 认证及会员资格

  • 我们的坦帕湾社区

    We are located in the beautiful Tampa Bay area, 靠近海滩, 专业运动队, 表演艺术设施. 教职员工感谢票(FASAT)计划全年为几位教职员工提供捐赠的坦帕湾地区活动门票. 了解更多 about the year-round opportunities that await you in Tampa Bay, making it one of the most desirable places to live in the country.
  • 好处

    • 学费 reimbursement for approved continuing education
    • A 教师 and staff Employee Wellness Program 
    • Employee-only hours available at the Hunt Family Fitness Center
    • Competitive salaries and benefit packages to include health, 视力及牙科保险, 员工援助计划, 补充保险, paid time off and TIAA/CREF retirement plan
    • 包括BEEP在内的教师学生(和所有全职员工)的慷慨学费减免, afterschool program for those students enrolled in 较低的部门
    • A robust breakfast and lunch dining program

    This link leads to the machine-readable files 这些数据是根据联邦《棋牌游戏平台》提供的,包括健康计划和医疗保健提供者之间协商的服务费率和网络外允许金额. The machine-readable files are formatted to allow researchers, 监管机构, and application 开发ers to more easily access and analyze data.
棋牌游戏大全 is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 棋牌游戏大全 does not discriminate based on age, 性别, 宗教, 比赛, color, 性取向, 性别认同, 遗传信息, 残疾, or national or ancestral origin in the administration of its educational policies, 奖学金和贷款项目, 运动, and other school-administered programs, or in the administration of its hiring and employment practices.
成立于1960年, 棋牌游戏平台是独立的, 圣公会, college-preparatory day school located in Tampa, FL, for boys and girls in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12. 大约1400名来自坦帕湾地区的学生聚集在这里,组成了一个棋牌游戏平台.
" class="hidden">中山大学岭南(大学)学院